Ep. 37 — Chapter 4 from "Blood of Elves" (Part 1)

Lea from the US and Madi from the US join Alyssa for Part 1 of our discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s first Witcher novel Blood of Elves, Chapter 4. Very important bits include: Number 1: The Endless Struggle Between Factions on the Continent… and Number 2. Plus, introductions to abatement falconry and law, plot armor, Fort Exposition, and Geralt of Rivia and The Less Awkward Thing.

This episode is available at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher.


This episode is dedicated to Rachelle Rose Bacharo, the transcript draftsperson for Breakfast in Beauclair, who recently passed away due to COVID-19. Thank you for your dedication and impact, which ensured that Breakfast in Beauclair is accessible for every member of our international community. The hanza’s hearts are with her family.

Episode Announcement

You’re invited to the Hanza’s Summer Solstice party! Join us this Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 7PM CET / 6PM GMT / 1PM EST / 10AM PST / 5AM AEDT+1 on the Hanza Discord. Meet other members of our international community and take part in fun festivities celebrating the season.

In this Episode

  • [00:00] Cold Open

  • [01:17] Introduction

  • [03:20] Discussion

  • [40:08] “Tidings from Toussaint”

  • [44:23] Discussion

  • [58:38] Outro & Credits

Relevant Links



This episode is dedicated to Rachelle Rose Bacharo, the transcript draftsperson for Breakfast in Beauclair, who recently passed away due to COVID-19. Thank you for your dedication and impact, which ensured that Breakfast in Beauclair is accessible for every member of our international community. The hanza’s hearts are with her family.

Cold Open

Coming soon

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by MojoFilter Media]


ALYSSA: Welcome to Breakfast in Beauclair, a global Witcher Podcast. My name is Alyssa from GoodMorhen, and I’ll be your host as you, I, and our international hanza accompany Geralt of Rivia and his destiny, Cirilla of Cintra, across the Continent.

[Summer Solstice Party: Saturday, June 26/Sunday, June 27]

You’re invited to the Hanza’s Summer Solstice party! Join us this Saturday, June 26, 2021 at 7PM CET / 6PM GMT / 1PM EST / 10AM PST / 5AM AEDT+1 on the Hanza Discord. Meet other members of our international community and take part in fun festivities celebrating the season.

[Patron Announcements]

This episode, we welcome Hilary to our hanza on Patreon! They join our producer-level patrons: Luis of Kovir, The Owner of The Churlish Porpoise, Arix the Godling, Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Ayvo of Gulet, Bee Haven of the Edge of the World, Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, RedKite, The Original Roach, AerialKitty, Dustin, Libby, The Castel Ravello Sommelier, Clare Odell, Jennidy Mundilovitch, Brett from California, Wolf, Corey from the US, John of Ryblia, and Sebastian von Novigrad.

If you’d like to explore becoming a patron of the show, head over to patreon.com/breakfastinbeauclair.

[Episode Details]

As for this episode, Lea from the US and Madi from the US call in for Blood of Elves, Chapter 4. Very important bits include: Number 1: The Endless Struggle Between Factions on the Continent… and Number 2. Plus, introductions to abatement falconry and law, plot armor, Fort Exposition, and Geralt of Rivia and The Less Awkward Thing.

In our mid-episode news segment, “Tidings from Toussaint,” Lars from Witcherflix shares major updates from Netflix’s The Witcher, The Witcher: Blood Origin, Nightmare of the Wolf, and the newly announced WitcherCon.

Without further ado, let’s conclude our discussion of Blood of Elves, Chapter 4.


[Breakfast in Beauclair stinger by MojoFilter Media]

Transcript to come.

ALYSSA (VOICEOVER): Before we arrive at Fort Exposition, we're gonna hand it over to Lars from WitcherFlix for recent news on the Netflix show. When we come back, Lea, Madi, and I will continue our discussion of Blood of Elves, Chapter 4.

“Tidings from Toussaint”

[“Tidings from Toussaint” theme music by MojoFilter Media]

LARS FROM WITCHERFLIX: Hey, it's Lars from WitcherFlix and this is "Tidings from Toussaint". Welcome back everybody! Netflix Geeked Week delivered and since then two short teasers for Season 2 were released: one for Ciri and for Geralt. You don't need to be the elven prophet Ithlinne to guess that at least one more teaser, this time for Yennefer, will be released in the very near future. Go to breakfastinbeauclair.com to take a look for yourself. But, now let's jump right into the teasers.

The first one, released on the final day of Netflix Geeked Week, starred our Lion Cub of Cintra, Ciri. The teaser is a very fast sequence of some interesting shots. These scenes include a very curious Witcher sword with elven runes similar to those from the video game "The Witcher 3", a closeup of the hands of the elven sorceress Francesca Findabair and several extensive scenes of Ciri training at Kaer Morhen.

The second teaser is about Geralt. It is another very fast sequence and has some very special things in store for us: In this teaser we have our first look at Kaer Morhen, the Witcher fortress, as well as some blurry images of Vesemir and a very dimly-lit interior of a spooky mansion that book readers know from the short story "A Grain of Truth". I can't wait to see what Yennefer's trailer will show us.

In other Witcher news, Netflix not only announced an official online shop selling exclusive limited edition Witcher merchandise, but also the WitcherCon on July 9. As they say it is a "global celebration of the Witcher brought to us not only by Netflix, but also by noneother than CD Projekt, the developers of the Witcher games. It will constist of two live streams with unique contents and dives deep into the making of the games, live action series, anime filme and merchandise. Interactive panels with people from the show and the games talking about their work will feature breaking news and never-before-seen footage across the Witcher franchise. And of course, the Witcher lore, legends, monsters and origins of the Continents will play a big part, too. Go to witchercon.com for the exact times and more information.

In other news, we finally know more about the Witcher prequel anime movie "Nightmare of the Wolf" about a young Vesemir. Kwang Il Han will direct the film, he is known for his work on titles like "The Boondocks", "Avatar: The Last Airbender", or "The Legends of Korra". In an interesting article on Variety.com, we also learn a little bit more about the movie's plot: "[…] before Geralt came Vesemir, a headstrong young witcher who relishes his job and the earthly benefits he reaps in doing what others can’t or won’t. Seemingly unshakable, Vesemir will face a crisis of conscious when a new power threatens the Continent, forcing him to reevaluate why he does the work he does." Witcher main show runner Lauren Hissrich, who is a co-executive producer of the animated spinoff talked about how "Nightmare of the Wolf" connects to the main show. She said: "Families are multi-generational. The things I teach my children, I learned from the generation ahead of me. When we meet Geralt in ‘The Witcher’ he is a full adult, he’s 100 years old and he’s been living on his own for a very long time. But you can’t help wondering how he learned the things he practices regularly and is going to teach Ciri." "Nightmare of the Wolf" writer Beau deMayo adds: "“It’s gonna give fans that are familiar with the series a totally unique experience that I hope makes them feel like they’re coming to ‘The Witcher’ for the first time again,” [...'] “I’m also just excited for the fans to see the action. It’s pretty awesome.”

Last but not least, we learned who will be in charge of the soundtrack for the other Witcher spinoff "Blood Origin", the prequel miniseries about the Continent's early history. Showrunner Declan de Barra announced on Twitter that Bear McCreary will be the composer for the show. He is famous for his work on "Battlestar Gallactica", "The Walking Dead" and "Outlander" among others.

Anyway guys, that's all for today. I hope you all stay safe and well. We'll talk again in the next episode of Breakfast in Beauclair. Until then, thanks again for listening and good luck on the path!

[“Tidings from Toussaint” theme music by MojoFilter Media]


ALYSSA (VOICEOVER): Hey, everyone! Welcome back from the break. When we left off, we had discussed Triss’ sickness and her relationship with Geralt.

ALYSSA (VOICEOVER): Before Geralt, Triss, and Ciri meet the convoy, we’re going to end our discussion here. Join Lea, Madi, and I in the next episode of Breakfast in Beauclair for our continued discussion of Andrzej Sapkowski’s Blood of Elves, Chapter 4.

Outro & Credits

[Breakfast in Beauclair theme music by MojoFilter Media]

ALYSSA: Thanks for joining us at the breakfast table! For show notes, transcripts of each episode, and a complete list of our social platforms and listening services, head over to breakfastinbeauclair.com.

Breakfast in Beauclair is created by Alyssa from GoodMorhen. It’s hosted by Alyssa with the “Tidings from Toussaint” News Segment by Lars from WitcherFlix. The show is edited by Alyssa with music by MojoFilter Media.

Breakfast in Beauclair is produced by Alyssa in New York City with Luis of Kovir, The Owner of The Churlish Porpoise, Arix the Godling, Katie (The Redhead of Toussaint), Jacob B., Ayvo of Gulet, Bee Haven of the Edge of the World, Charlotte from Vengerberg Glamarye, RedKite, The Original Roach, AerialKitty, Dustin, Libby, The Castel Ravello Sommelier, Clare Odell, Jennidy Mundilovitch, Brett from California, Wolf, Corey from the US, John of Ryblia, and Sebastian von Novigrad.

Special thanks to Lea and Madi for joining us for this episode and our international hanza for their support.

Transcriptionist: Krizia Casil


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